Sunday 15 April 2012

Sana Haq - 7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progress from it?

Our Preliminary Task -

Our Final Thriller Opening - The Stalker -

Over the past couple since we finished our preliminary task, we found it was a great starting point. By experimenting with different camera techniques and editing skills, it allowed us to have a clear idea about how to plan the opening to our thriller. Whilst looking back at the preliminary task process,I feel as if we have progressed by our camera work,as our camera work was not that imaginative compared to our thriller opening according to the plot lines and final outcome of our shots and editing emerged together. Our thriller opening consists of a variety of camera work such as panning, tracking, point of view shot, hand held etc. compared to the basic camera work used in our preliminary task. Also in our preliminary task we used the same concept as our opening which was the stalker theme, we found it became quite easy to work with when it came to the final stages, as we can expand on our ideas effectively.

 By being able to experiment with the preliminary task during the editing process, it allowed us to save a lot of time as we already knew most of the basics, however reflecting back to the preliminary task our editing was not that effective, therefore we knew that making the same mistakes again was unnecessary. By making sure we did not make the same mistakes again, we paid close attention to ensuring there was continuity, the non diegetic sounds were correctly placed and transitions and special effects were used effectively.

  • Added a soundtrack 
  • Having a voice over as our dialogue instead of having diegetic sounds 
  • Adding special effects such as the use of black and white images. 
  • Using a variety of techniques to show off our camera skills.
  • Setted our scenes in different areas within the school

 Overall I beleive without creating a preliminary task before hand, our group would have found it very difficult to create the final outcome we have achieved in our opening. However I believe with a bit more of practice we could have perfected all our camera shots. Even though i am pleased with the final outcome of out thriller opening,I still believe certain aspects of it could have been better with the help of extra time.

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