Saturday 7 April 2012

Saira Amjad - Question 6-What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

From the very beginning of constructing this product we have been introduced to various new technologies that I have not used before. This has taught me how to use them and that anyone can download them on to their computers and produce a film if they have the right equipment. We have used technologies such as, iMovie,, tripods, cameras, tracks, Blogger, Microsoft excel, digital bridge cameras, scanner and the iMac. 

Before the production, we started using the iMacs. Although this was not my 1st time using one, I was introduced to new software on it. If we did not have the Macs, we would not be able to use iMovie to edit our film openings.

Personally, I do not think I used blogger as much as I could have. However, we used blogger to upload our work and our progress; this was for the examiners and our teachers to see our development. If technology had not developed the way it has today, it would be difficult to show examiners the work we have done and also for them to view the videos.

Digital bridge cameras
We used a digital bridge camera to capture the photographs for the stalkers scene in the darkroom. This was easy to use. An advantage to us was that you could change the type of focus on the camera. . If we had to use an analogue camera instead of a digital one, we would have not been able to upload the pictures on to a computer and print them off and use them on our film.

Microsoft excel
I used Microsoft excel to produce charts from the results we received through the questionnaires. Because we had asked questions from exactly 30 people, I thought it would make sense for me to show the results in pie charts. Without Microsoft Excel, we would not be able to show our results from the questuionniare in an accurate graph.

We used the scanner to scan the storyboards so we could upload them on to the blog. This was a much easier option than to have to illustrate the storyboards on the computer. Without the scanner, we may of had to illustrate the storyboard on the computer, having the scanner was easier as we could get every detail right

Canon video camera
We used the canon video camera for our filming. This came as an advantage to us as it was a HD camera; therefore we were able to capture our film effectively. Also, using a canon video camera meant that we were able to capture and save the film on to the actual camera, however, if we had used a VHS camcorder, it will mean that the film would be captured on a video tape which will mean it will be harder to upload on to a computer.

The tripod was very effective in helping us film. While filming some scenes we did feel as if the camera was slanted. This was entirely our fault as we did not check beforehand to see is the tripod was on a straight level. To prevent it from happening again, we always checked the bubble at the top of tripod to see if it was in the middle.

Initially, we were going to use a panning shot when the stalker is walking across the darkroom. After we shot it, we weren’t very happy with it, and then one group member suggested we should use a tracking shot and that showed the right type of mood that we wanted to create. From this, I learnt that to set the right atmosphere in the scene. It is important that you use the right shot and equipment.

Post Production

Before the real preliminary task, we had a mock one and in this we were able to use iMovie to edit it. This was my first time using it and I learnt a lot from then until now, after the production. It has taught me a lot, I now know how to edit clips, cut them, add sound, remove sound, and add transitions and so on. Without iMovie, we would not be able to edit our film opening efficiently.
Free play music was a very useful site to search for non-copyrighted sound tracks. Although they did have lots of tracks, we finally did come up with one that we preferred and it was fairly easy to download.If technology had not developed, it would not be possible for us to find music online and we would have to compose our own music. This would have taken up a lot of time and we may have not finished in time.

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