Saturday 7 April 2012

Saira Amjad - Question 4-Who would be the audience for your media product?

We gathered information about who our target audience would be by doing a questionnaire and handing it out to around 30 people. From that, we had found out the following results. We have also recognised our target audience by our own reflections. 

The target audience for thriller movies are usually teenagers or young adults, usually from the ages of 15-25. They are people who like to feel thrilled and scared while watching a film.

Our target audience is similar to this. We found out our target audience by primary research and giving out questionnaires to around 30 people in total. This helped us discover the likes and dislikes of our target audience, as one of the questions included was ‘What subgenre do you thrillers to be crossed with’ and 47% said that they preferred horror to be a subgenre in a thriller film. 20% of people said they would like drama to be a subgenre in a thriller film. This was an advantage to us because our film has a vast majority of drama in it; therefore we were slightly aiming it towards some of our target audience.

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