Tuesday 31 January 2012

Treatment for our thriller opening - THE STALKER.

We based our audience research on the treatment we had previously written, to see if our concept was viable.
Betsy stepped off the plane , the harsh London air brushing her brown hair. She could taste blood, or maybe it was just her intense craving, the  of the task that lay ahead gave her a deep sense of pleasure.

Betsy was raised in the small town of Ackerly in Texas. After being abused throughout her childhood by her grandfather, she was put into foster care. The small town reveled in the gossip of Betsy after her traumatic childhood experience that lead to an addiction in alcohol i her early teenage years. This caused her to become a recluse. With no friends or relationships, Betsy started to find solace in immersing herself in the online world, where she had 'real' friends - a 'real' life. Betsy became attached to one girl in particular, Louise. She began logging online to search for every detail of Louise's life, concealing her obsession with casual and light hearted conversation. As Louise became involved with a relationship with Damien, Betsy's jealousy sprouted. How could her 'best friend' betray her in this malicious way? Betsy couldn't handle her overpowering emotions and with her violet outbursts becoming more common, she fled the unnecessary social workers. She boarded a plane to finally rejoin her best friend, her plan being simple. She would kill Damien. But would Betsy's goals go to plan? Would she gain the friend she was so longing to have? All that was sure is she was willing to go to any lengths to dominate all of Louise's affection...

Texas, Ackerly ; Population 225.

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